
Nexus 20.10
Nexus 20.10

nexus 20.10 nexus 20.10

20.10.020 Definitions.Ī. “Applicant” means the person, firm or corporation proposing a development in the city.ī. “Building permit” means the permit required for new construction and additions pursuant to FMC Title 15. 20.10.010 Purpose.Ī. Ensure that adequate facilities are available to serve new growth and development ī. Promote orderly growth and development by requiring that new development pay a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities needed to serve growth andĬ. Ensure that impact fees are imposed through established procedures and criteria so that specific developments do not pay arbitrary fees or duplicate fees for the same impact. 20.10.040 Identification of development impacts.Ģ0.10.050 Mitigation review – Alternatives.Ģ0.10.070 Establishment of development service areas.Ģ0.10.150 Impact fee as additional and supplemental requirement.Ģ0.10.160 Administrative guidelines.

Nexus 20.10