You can buy Visual Studio 2019 product key to activate it: Visual Studio 2019 Community: you click hereĪfter you install Visual Studio 2019, you have 30 days to use it.Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise: you click here.Visual Studio 2019 Professional: you click here.To download Visual Studio 2019 from Mirosoft you click one of these links: Download Visual Studio 2019 for Windows 7/8/10/11 It accepts plug-ins that expand the functionality at almost every level-including adding support for source control systems (like Git and Subversion) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Azure DevOps client: Team Explorer).

Other built-in tools include a code profiler, designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. The integrated debugger works both as a machine-level debugger and a source-level debugger. Visual Studio 2019 includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring.