Use Arrow Keys to move up, left, right and down. The North American version of this video game was rated MA-13 due to animated violence and fictionalized stunts. Upon turning on the game, players are warned not to attempt in real life any stunt portrayed in the game (such as skate hitching onto vehicles). Players can be forced to withdraw from the event simply by either wearing out his inline skates, accumulating injuries in eventual accidents or having the police catch up to the player and arresting him.

Cash is earned winning races, doing tricks, defeating enemies and skitching cars, and you can spend it on better inline gear (such as more resistant elbow pads to protect the player from his injuries). The player can grab onto (skitch) cars, bikes and trucks to earn speed advantage over the competitors and he can pick up weapons from armed enemies and from the ground. However, the players are put on violent races involving inline skating, instead of motorbikes.

This video game has a very similar sense of playability to Road Rash and utilizes the same software engine. Skitchin' is a Mega Drive/Genesis game, created by Electronic Arts in 1993.