It can also result in the model not being shown in the Enscape viewport, despite a placeholder being shown in the CAD. This also means a thumbnail cannot be generated for the custom asset, which is needed to export the asset to the library in the first place. A model with more than 20k polys may be successfully imported, but you will be given a warning message that the model may affect performance and that the asset may not be visible in the Asset Editor Preview window. Model files to be imported should be low polygon models that, for performance reasons, should have less than 20,000 triangles (also referred to as 3 sided, or 3-point polygons). As these constitute the most common cross-platform industry standard formats, a model that can be converted to one of these formats can, in theory, be imported into the Custom Asset Library. Only the file formats *.gltf, *.obj or *.fbx can be imported to the Custom Asset Library.